Sunday, December 30, 2007

Would You Like Freedom With That?

Okay, here's the way this blog works:

Canadian comrades, send your comments to and they will be re-posted from within the United States, where there are still a few (very few) tattered remains of freedom of speech remaining.

Your comments will be re-posted by an American citizen, who is technically still allowed to criticize both his own government and foreign governments, although in practice since 9/11 these rights are being steadily salami-sliced away by Bush and his little Jewish neocon friends.

Please use a pseudonym for your comments, unless you want to find yourself hauled up in front of one of Richard Warman's vicious little "Human Rights Tribunals", stripped of all you own, and threatened with prison for daring to disagree with Canada's deranged policies of forced multiculturalism and unchecked Third World immigration. (Does Canada even allow White people to settle there at all any more?)

In memory of Ernst Zundel and the late John Ross Taylor, Canadians are especially invited to make free and uninhibited comments on the so-called Holocaust and the industry using this bogus historical event to rake in millions of dollars. You are also invited to criticize Canada's military presence in Afghanistan as sharply as you please. (I understand that can get you in trouble up there too, nowadays.)

Comments are enabled, but bear in mind that if you post your comment directly from anywhere in Canada, those suck-ups at Google will be able to trace your IP address and will hand over your information to the Horsemen on request. Ten years ago there were still a few American internet providers who genuinely believed in freedom of thought and conscience on the internet. No more, I fear.

How long this experiment in freedom of thought and freedom of conscience for the European-descended people of Canada will last befoe Google is pressured to pull down this blog, I don't know. When that happens, other arrangements will be made. Freedom is addictive, and once you folks up in the Great White North get a taste, you're going to want more.

"The voice within me that bids me speak is greater than the government that bids me be silent."

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