Friday, December 21, 2007

Canada Is Outpost of Israel

This country is an outpost of Israel. When the Jews say jump, the Canadian government asks "How high?" When the Jews say run, the Canadian government asks "how far?" Those bastards in Ottawa need to be SO overthrown.

-Bad Beaver

1 comment:

James said...

All of Europe, the USRAEL and Canada are all conlonies of Israel. These governments have been conquered via the way POliticians are elected. The Jews have exploited this weakness.

Getting elected to an office takes money. The Jews initialy furnish the funding for a puppet politician to get elected.

After the politician is elected to office, the politician is commanded by his Jew masters to vote to give taxpayers dollars as aid to Jewish causes.

The Jews use those tax dollars to get more politicians elected to office, perpetuating and increasing Jewish influence in all Western countries.

Now, all Western countries are paying for their Jewish masters to maintain control. We are paying for our own destruction and enslavement.

We are all slaves to Israel. Our masters live in the new gated community of the masters and seat of the world capital, Israel. There they are safe from us slaves revolting. They control all the nuclear weapons of the USRAEL and have nuclear weapons in Israel.

How do you keep a slave happy? Don't let them know they are slaves. Give them a vote in a farce called an election where all the candidates are Jew puppets.

In the United States, the voters have a choice between maybe 15 Jewish owned puppets among whom there is not an ioata of difference. The only candidate that is not a puppet of the Jews is Ron Paul. The media is continually giving the slaves reasons not to support Ron Paul as President.

In Canada it is the same way. In Canada the citizens have freedom of speech as long as they say what the Jewish masters have approved them to say. Parrots parroting their indoctrination.

Otherwise, they can be imprisoned for made up crimes like "Hate" speech. Truth is no defense against "Hate" speech. Ask Ernst Zundel!

Israel is in control of most of the world. The current controversy about Iran is to justify a war against Iran, which is really the US slaves fighting to secure a clear zone around the new world capital, Israel. The Jews must be made safe no matter how many American goy lives is sacrificed.

Canadians are slaves, Americans are slaves and all of Europe are slaves to Israel.

Open borders in the US and Europe are to create a divide and conquer war using ethnic diversity to divide the populace. The races do not get along, have never gotten along and do not want to live together, even at gunpoint.

This ethnic diversity has been introduced in North America and Europe. France is having race wars as you read this. America has had numerous military confrontations along the border with Mexico, but the News media has not covered these events.

Blacks have been wagin war against the white race for the last 50 years. The media aids the blacks by inciting hatred of whites in blacks with biased news reporting. Blacks murder and attack whites at an astounding rate, and this news is concealed from the white populace.

Race war is coming to divide the existing countries into smaller, more manageable plantations and tigher control over the slave population.

Whites who do not procure legal weapons and permits for those weapons will be at the mercy of black attackers....and they have no mercy.