Saturday, December 29, 2007

More On The Jessy Beaumont Case

You know, if it were not so damned serious it would be hilariously funny. I mean, come on--$1500 for "hurt feelings ????" Talk about being beyond the looking glass!

I seriously doubt that if you took someone from the mid/late 50’s and told them this would happen to a young 20-something lady because she held an opinion and had the temerity to voice it, he would believe you. He would think you mad--it would just be inconceivable--you experienced those times, am I right?

I mean let us just present a contrast here-you have a young lady on one hand; a lady that works, pays her bills, pulls her own weight, has a job, a home, a life-commits no crimes, accepts no freebies from the system, and tries to live according to a strict and demanding ideology.

On the other hand you have a group of professional bums, who live off the system, are rotten with drugs, have zero morality, and steal as if it were their sacred right-they re-produce indiscriminately and expect the system to raise their bastard offspring, detract from the public health because they are addicted to narcotics and need to prostitute themselves to support a drug habit, and in general their personal and sexual hygiene is so lax it is terrifying.

So you tell me-which would you prefer to have residing in the house next to you? You can quote that entire para, I don’t think it will have any impact on her situation.

This is what I mean when I say I don’t understand this world-anyone with even minimal intelligence would not want to live in such a state, yet we all turn away and try to pretend this is not happening. It baffles the mind. We all yearn for "the good old days", there is a huge market for nostalgia, and it can all be traced right back to that. We would retreat to a phantasm of the past rather than create that world in the present.

It makes no sense, no matter how I try to wrap my mind around it. It is almost as if it is our fate, our destiny, has been set and there is nothing, no action, no stratagem that will alter the rock of fate that is going to splat our world--just like reading a book. You know the end, it is on the last page--so if you read that first you have the answer and nothing in the plot will force you to change what is, in fact-fact. It feels like that. I skipped ahead and read the last chapter and now I have the knowledge, but I am so very powerless to make others understand what is coming. I am a spirit with foreknowledge, but am unable to act in the realm of "real" people and that was the trade that I had to make.

-Inspector Fenwick

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