Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Original White Canada Blog Shut Down

It seems to have taken the Canadian secret police about one month to shut down the original White Canada blog. Well, let's see how long it takes the Warman Gang to shut this one down.

For those of you who came in late, the purpose of White Canada is to allow freedom of speech on such issues as "multi-culturalism" and "diversity" to Canadians, which is forbidden to them by their own government. Our Canadian readers can send their comments to

and these will be re-posted to the blog by an American citizen who technically still enjoys access to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, although as we have seen, Google doesn't seem to be aware that such a proviso exists. (They must be staffed by ex-Yahoo employees, another outfit that seems unaware that the United States Constitution exists.)

It will take me a while to get a hit counter installed. In the meantime, to Warman and Co: Up yours, hosers!

1 comment:

James said...

Free speech in America is also under seige by the Jewish masters.

Hate speech legislation has been repeatedly introduced into the Congress and Senate in the hopes of getting the bill made into law.

When the bill finally passes, the internet will be muzzled by the Jew masters.

The Jewish masters must control the flow of information in the world or their hold on society will be weakened. The Jew masters cannot allow us goy slaves to have freedom to spread information.