Monday, December 31, 2007

CHRC Hand In Glove With Cops

Since 2005, the Canadian Human Rights Commission has been secretly expanding their powers into the realm of law enforcement under the guise of “fighting hate.” The thought control maniacs at the CHRC, using Communist style tactics, have been trying to elevate themselves into the level of some sort of National Security Agency.

Unlike Police agencies – the Commission has absolutely no authority to engage in any form of spying operations on Canadian citizens. Yet, through a series of relationships with police agencies they have unprecedented access to police databases containing the most sensitive and private police files on Canadians.

On May 10, 2007, head internet investigator for the CHRC Dean Steacy admitted, under examination by Barbara Kulaszka, that the Commission has an arrangement with Canadian Police Agencies. When Barbara Kulaszka asked what exactly the arrangement was, Giacomo Vigna for the CHRC invoked Section 37 of the Canada Evidence Act to stop dead all questioning.

Nothing should scare freedom loving Canadians more than the politically motivated thought control apparatus of the Canadian Human Rights Commission having any access to the most sensitive and private information of millions of Canadians.

Recently, it was revealed that the CHRC currently has “indirect” access to the police CPIC database. CPIC is the acronym for Canadian Police Information Centre. CPIC is a highly secured computer based police information system.

CPIC contains records such as:
· Home address
· vehicle information
· dental records
· identifying marks/scars
· firearms ownership
· criminal records
· fingerprints,
· current surveillance information
· known aliases
· medical conditions
· and much more

The CHRC has numerous times relied on police agencies to analyze data captured in the execution of search warrants on trumped-up alleged criminal “hate” (Sec. 319 of Criminal Code) violations – yet the victims are very rarely ever charged. Instead the evidence seized is later used before Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearings through testimony given by police officers.

We only know the tip of this unholy alliance between the police and the CHRC. The Federal Court Appeal by Marc Lemire should bring more evidence into the open.

Covert operations on Canadians are no only conducted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, but also by those that use the Canadian Human Rights Act for possible political means.

The misnamed Canadian “Human Rights” Commission has been using tax-payers dollars to fund their political vendetta against individuals and websites they hate. Websites such as The Freedomsite ( – have been the focus of a 3 year legal attack by the Commission to shut it down over documents such as “The Immigrant Poem,” criticism of immigration and even the awful “hateful” act of posting an unedited copy of the Canadian Human Rights Act on the Freedomsite!

The Commission and complainant Richard Warman are seeking a lifetime speech ban placed on Freedomsite webmaster, Marc Lemire along with hefty fines. In what best can be described as sheer lunacy, the CHRC (with only remedial powers and no police powers) has attempted to elevate itself to the level of a CSIS (National Security Agency) in an ongoing infiltration operation, using shady and secretive tactics to silence and possibly entrap those they don't like.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies is now offering a new course aimed at Canadian law enforcement agencies and "investigators" entitled "Investigating Internet Extremism." According to the Wiesenthal Centre’s website:"The workshop works from the premise that in order for law enforcement to be effective in the arena of hate, it must be proactive rather than reactive." The course description continues "Investigating Internet Hate consists of three components; namely infiltration, internet tools and legalities. In the first section, police officers are introduced to the most frequented web forums, allowing them to become part of the community and investigate varying groups and their activities." (Copied from Wiesenthal website:

Among some of the police forces that the Wiesenthal Centre list as recipients of their "training" includes: Ontario Provincial Police, Owen Sound Police Service, Kingston Police Service, Ottawa Police Service, Barrie Police and the Vancouver Police Service.

Tactics used by police officers, to identify and provide evidence before Canadian Human Rights Tribunal hearings:

Police powers of search and seizure of computers and other items.

Search warrants on peoples homes Motor Vehicle Record searches,

CPIC(Canadian Police Information Centre) searches.

Telephone record searches.

Infiltration of Stormfront using false identities.

Infiltration of internet based mailing lists, assuming phony identities via e-mail interrogations after arrest infiltration of public meetings.

Demonstrations tenancy agreements from landlords.

Police have testified against at a CHRT hearing:

Alexan Kulbashian (Officer Terry Wilson testified)
James Richardson (Officer Terry Wilson testified)
Peter Kouba (Officer Camp testified)
Glenn Bahr (Officer Camp testified)

CHRC victims – raided by police:
Alexan Kulbashian
James Richardson
Glenn Bahr
Ciarian Donnelly
Jessica Beaumont
Terry Tremaine

Criminally charged:
Alexan Kulbashian (charges later dropped)
James Richardson (charges dropped later)
Glenn Bahr (Section 319 charges outstanding)

Above information is based on a study of all Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Section 13 published decisions since 1992.

Please send what you can to help out!

Marc Lemire
762 Upper James St.,
Suite 384
Hamilton, ON, Canada L9C 3A2

Support Marc Lemire’s Battle for Freedom

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Would You Like Freedom With That?

Okay, here's the way this blog works:

Canadian comrades, send your comments to and they will be re-posted from within the United States, where there are still a few (very few) tattered remains of freedom of speech remaining.

Your comments will be re-posted by an American citizen, who is technically still allowed to criticize both his own government and foreign governments, although in practice since 9/11 these rights are being steadily salami-sliced away by Bush and his little Jewish neocon friends.

Please use a pseudonym for your comments, unless you want to find yourself hauled up in front of one of Richard Warman's vicious little "Human Rights Tribunals", stripped of all you own, and threatened with prison for daring to disagree with Canada's deranged policies of forced multiculturalism and unchecked Third World immigration. (Does Canada even allow White people to settle there at all any more?)

In memory of Ernst Zundel and the late John Ross Taylor, Canadians are especially invited to make free and uninhibited comments on the so-called Holocaust and the industry using this bogus historical event to rake in millions of dollars. You are also invited to criticize Canada's military presence in Afghanistan as sharply as you please. (I understand that can get you in trouble up there too, nowadays.)

Comments are enabled, but bear in mind that if you post your comment directly from anywhere in Canada, those suck-ups at Google will be able to trace your IP address and will hand over your information to the Horsemen on request. Ten years ago there were still a few American internet providers who genuinely believed in freedom of thought and conscience on the internet. No more, I fear.

How long this experiment in freedom of thought and freedom of conscience for the European-descended people of Canada will last befoe Google is pressured to pull down this blog, I don't know. When that happens, other arrangements will be made. Freedom is addictive, and once you folks up in the Great White North get a taste, you're going to want more.

"The voice within me that bids me speak is greater than the government that bids me be silent."

Saturday, December 29, 2007

More On The Jessy Beaumont Case

You know, if it were not so damned serious it would be hilariously funny. I mean, come on--$1500 for "hurt feelings ????" Talk about being beyond the looking glass!

I seriously doubt that if you took someone from the mid/late 50’s and told them this would happen to a young 20-something lady because she held an opinion and had the temerity to voice it, he would believe you. He would think you mad--it would just be inconceivable--you experienced those times, am I right?

I mean let us just present a contrast here-you have a young lady on one hand; a lady that works, pays her bills, pulls her own weight, has a job, a home, a life-commits no crimes, accepts no freebies from the system, and tries to live according to a strict and demanding ideology.

On the other hand you have a group of professional bums, who live off the system, are rotten with drugs, have zero morality, and steal as if it were their sacred right-they re-produce indiscriminately and expect the system to raise their bastard offspring, detract from the public health because they are addicted to narcotics and need to prostitute themselves to support a drug habit, and in general their personal and sexual hygiene is so lax it is terrifying.

So you tell me-which would you prefer to have residing in the house next to you? You can quote that entire para, I don’t think it will have any impact on her situation.

This is what I mean when I say I don’t understand this world-anyone with even minimal intelligence would not want to live in such a state, yet we all turn away and try to pretend this is not happening. It baffles the mind. We all yearn for "the good old days", there is a huge market for nostalgia, and it can all be traced right back to that. We would retreat to a phantasm of the past rather than create that world in the present.

It makes no sense, no matter how I try to wrap my mind around it. It is almost as if it is our fate, our destiny, has been set and there is nothing, no action, no stratagem that will alter the rock of fate that is going to splat our world--just like reading a book. You know the end, it is on the last page--so if you read that first you have the answer and nothing in the plot will force you to change what is, in fact-fact. It feels like that. I skipped ahead and read the last chapter and now I have the knowledge, but I am so very powerless to make others understand what is coming. I am a spirit with foreknowledge, but am unable to act in the realm of "real" people and that was the trade that I had to make.

-Inspector Fenwick

Who Are The Welfare Bums?

An economically displaced sub-class of Whites have been deprived of employment by downsizing, relocation of manufacturing facilities to nations with cheap labour (globalism rears its ugly head), cheap immigrant labour and preferential hiring practices that favour minorities, especially non-white, non-citizens.

Canada is one of the very few nations that does not require citizenship as a condition for employment in the civil service or the public sector. Contrary to what the politically correct would have you believe, most White welfare recipients are not lazy bums who don’t want to work. They are part of a growing sub-class of the economically displaced who have been legislated into poverty. Former office manager or busboy, they run out of EI and are forced on to welfare.

These were good, hardworking Canadians who would like to be so again. Their search for work, however, is fruitless. There are no jobs. What few jobs there are in the civil/public service sectors are reserved for non-white, non-citizen refugees and immigrants. This leads to the ever widening downward spiral of poverty, broken families, depression, alcohol and substance abuse etc.

Unfortunately in some cases former housewives are turning tricks. Former CEOs are dumpster diving and illegal aliens are being clothed, set up in nice apartments, given furniture and all necessary household goods, and an income to support them until employment can be found for them, if ever.

And how is all this paid for? It is paid for, in large part, out of the tax moneys previously collected from formerly productive White Canadians who have been driven into poverty. So much has been paid for this that there is nothing left to care for our own Citizens!

Take a look into your back alley. With the exception of the odd aboriginal, who is sleeping in that cardboard box? Who are the homeless? Who is diving into your dumpster for recyclables? When you go to the bank machine or to the bus stop, who is asking you for spare change? Are any of them non-whites? NO! They are mostly White.

This is the result of a Canadian Government that places the welfare of the citizens of other nations above that of their own. Is this the will of the Canadian people? Is this your will?

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Double Standard In Canada

Georgina Township - Pushing an Asian into Lake Simcoe is a 'hate crime' but murder of Whites is not even newsworthy in Canada.

But when coloreds brutally torture, rape and murder Whites, it's not even news in Canada. See all the Canadian media coverage of the brutal tortures, rapes and murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Richard Warman Is An Asshole

What do you want to bet it was Warman who complained about the original White Canada blog?

Warman Should Be Hoffa'ed

This creep is a bottom feeder of the lowest order, he is slimier than what lives under rocks, he makes scummy lawyers look noble ... he is a man dying to be "Hoffa'd" ... No pun intended, of course.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I recommend that everyone here take a hard look at this comprehensive website. See how sneaky this motherfucker Warman is and how he plays cat and mouse.

Warman is an enemy of White people. He is on the Jew's payroll and he is the epitome of the sellout. One can't be more loathsome than he. He operates with impunity and taunts and baits unsuspecting White racists into saying things that he uses against them in his tribunals. Warman gets paid for every one of the people he traps. He is getting rich putting White people in jail. The White victims only crime is giving their opinions about racial issues in public.

Warman's despicable activities are wrong on so many levels that they defy all sense of decency and violate everyone's human rights in spite of Canada's out-of-control governments' sanctioning that allows this madman to wantonly hurt White people. Warman must be stopped and made an example for all others to see.


Percy Weller Demonstrates

Dear HAC:

The lead story of this video is the British government refusing to backdate the police pay rise to September; even though it was originally promised to be backdated. The make believe policemen, the PCSO's, got theirs backdated.

The government annoying the police seems strange, as the police seem to have been turned into government enforcers and fine collectors for their 300 or so new laws brought in, particularly the racial hatred laws, and are now hounding motorists over every misdemeanour.

The police in this country are not able to strike, which probably wouldn't be noticed by most members of the public as the CCTV everywhere can still record traffic offences and we hardly ever see police on our streets anyway.

-Basil Brush

Friday, December 21, 2007

Free Bill Noble

On February 19th, 2005 the aptly named Bill Noble had his Fort St. John, BC apartment raided by Canadian authorities. The police had a warrant to search and seize his computer equipment for evidence pertaining to violations of Section 319 of the Criminal Code of Canada (Public Incitement of Hatred) through his website “”.

Shortly after the raid, Mr. Noble was placed under arrest. His crime was speaking his mind. Under Section 319 a person can be imprisoned for up to two years for the vaguely defined crime of “communicating statements in a public place with intent to incite hatred against an identifiable group in such a way that there will likely be a breach of the peace.”

Essentially, the law Mr. Noble has been arrested for allegedly violating potentially criminalizes any form of political speech. Given time, courts have the nasty habit of broadening their interpretation of any given law. Regardless of their initial intent, statutes that limit freedom of expression are bound to be used to criminalize any form of dissent. No person of conscience should be able to look at a law like Section 319 without outrage.

Bill Noble is a political prisoner. He has not been deprived of his freedom for any crime committed against another’s person or property. Nor has he directed others to engage in anti-social or violent behavior. Mr. Noble made public his opposition to the agenda of the Canadian government and he now faces prosecution for it.

Whose next? And for articulating which ideology?

Please give what you can spare to Bill Noble’s legal defence fund. Well concealed cash and blank money orders will be accepted for now. In time, a PayPal option should be set up.

Please send all funds to:

WNF c/o Bill’s Legal Fund
PO Box 83194
Phoenix, AZ 85071

It is strongly recommended that, to prevent tampering or theft en route, you use a mailing option that includes insurance and/or signature confirmation.

All inquiries should be directed to

Canada Is Outpost of Israel

This country is an outpost of Israel. When the Jews say jump, the Canadian government asks "How high?" When the Jews say run, the Canadian government asks "how far?" Those bastards in Ottawa need to be SO overthrown.

-Bad Beaver

Establishment Mags Get CHRC "Hate" Comnplaints

They (the liberals and neo-cons) ignored and ridiculed us. Now they came for them. Interesting development. Who is the 'they' here? How many different sides are at play here?

Rory Leishman's column:

Some Canadians are starting to get it.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Good Work, Winston

Hey comrade,

Good work upseting the Zionist estabishment up in Ottawa.

We need our homeland, BC and Alberta!

White Freedom for them and the Pacific Northwest states.

Honestly, with the amount of censorship up their, don't those idiots in elect, realise they are doing more harm than good to themselves? The NPA should find a lot of support up their, in subtle ways of course!


Quis seperabit

Nigger Focused Schools In Toronto


-Bad Beaver

Toronto School Board Ponders Controversial Black-Focused Schools
Tuesday November 6, 2007 Staff

Is it a solution or segregation? Well, that sort of depends who you ask.

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is looking at the controversial idea of black-focused schools again, an idea that's been rejected in the past, as some of its members complain that the education system is failing students of colour.At least one may be opened as early as next fall if the TDSB goes ahead with the proposal. A report is being prepared on how such a facility would work in the context of the public board, and two community meetings are planned over the next week to discuss the pros and cons.

When asked, GTA residents seemed mainly opposed to the idea."You're segregated. Why would you do that?" asked one man."Toronto is multicultural, so I don't think separating the classes or the people makes sense," noted Edi Chehore.

However some expressed enthusiasm for the idea. Diallo Masters opined, "I think that's a very good idea. More black influence."The hypothetical African-centred alternative school would run from junior kindergarten to Grade 8 and aside from highlighting black history and achievements would also employ more black teachers and mentors.

"We've spoken to some of the kids and what they're saying is that the curriculum does not focus on who they are in a positive way," said Louis March of the African-Canadian Heritage Association. "It's time for change ... the current status-quo system is not working."

Such schools already exist in U.S. cities including Detroit and Washington, and though there aren't any black-focused schools in Ontario yet there is a grade school and high school for First Nations students and an alternative high school for gay and lesbian students.But while some school board members and community leaders believe the schools would be a good idea to help address the lower graduation rates among black students, others aren't too crazy about the idea, warning it amounts to segregation.

Premier Dalton McGuinty appeared opposed to the idea when it was proposed by more than 500 parents and students in 2005 - he said at the time he preferred the idea of bringing various cultures together in schools instead of separating them."I don't think it's a good idea," the premier said. "I'm not personally comfortable with that."

The concept was first tabled more than a decade ago, in 1995, by the province's Royal Commission on Learning.

Parents have reportedly asked for three schools in the city's east, west and south ends. Meetings to discuss the idea will take place Thursday, November 8 at 7pm at North Albion Collegiate at Kipling and Finch Aves., and then on Monday, November 12 at 7pm at Northview Heights Secondary School on Finch Ave.

Screw Warman

Screw Richard Warman.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stay Strong

You must have really rattled somebody's cage in Ottawa, Winston. Good work. Stay strong and keep the faith, brother!

-Doug & Bob McKenzie

Original White Canada Blog Shut Down

It seems to have taken the Canadian secret police about one month to shut down the original White Canada blog. Well, let's see how long it takes the Warman Gang to shut this one down.

For those of you who came in late, the purpose of White Canada is to allow freedom of speech on such issues as "multi-culturalism" and "diversity" to Canadians, which is forbidden to them by their own government. Our Canadian readers can send their comments to

and these will be re-posted to the blog by an American citizen who technically still enjoys access to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, although as we have seen, Google doesn't seem to be aware that such a proviso exists. (They must be staffed by ex-Yahoo employees, another outfit that seems unaware that the United States Constitution exists.)

It will take me a while to get a hit counter installed. In the meantime, to Warman and Co: Up yours, hosers!