Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is This Blog Going To Be Used?

Hey, hosers,

Is this blog going to be used?

Because if not, I'm getting involved in some other stuff and I already have two blogs I'm keeping up as things are. I shouldn't have to be constantly clipping news articles to make posts. If Canadians aren't going to use this thing, then I'm going to take it down. I need to streamline my operation and there're no point in keeping this thing up if no one in Canada is interested in excercising free speech. Please let me hear from Canadians on this, the people who are supposed to be using this facility.

Winston Smith

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How Can You Outlaw An Emotion?

How can you force people not to feel a particular emotion? Racial awareness is a natural and normal instinct. It's a survival instinct. Evolution gave it to us for a reason. Even a casual review of history shows that people fracture along racial lines. Why not outlaw greed? Oops, the Communist experiment already tried that. They needed to kill 50 million people in Russia but the communism experiment lasted 70 yrs. I wonder how long the multiculturalism experiment will last? How many millions of whites will die because of the multiculturalism experiment?

Friday, February 15, 2008

CHRC Racist

Human Rights Tribunals are racist and an abomination, and have no place in our once-free society. They are an anathema to free people.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Toronto Contemplates "Black-Focused" Schools

I'm focusing.

What a waste of taxpayers' money! We will be paying for an incompetent administrative body to supervise a bunch of incompetent teachers to babysit a mob of uneducatible wild beasts.

-Name Withheld, Thought Police

Sunday, February 10, 2008

We Need A Revolution in Canada

Democracy has failed in Canada. We need a revolution here or else nothing will be left for actual Canadians and you guys down in the States will have a Third World country just as bad as Mexico on your northern border.

-Dominic Da Vinci

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Canadians: for a taste of that free speech that your own country denies you, send your comments to me at and they will reposted here, on an American web site, by an American citizen. Our own rights are under attack every day by Jug-Ears and his neocon crew, but we're still in somewhat better shape than you are.

There Were Giants

Hard to believe there were once giants in our land like Adrien Arcand, John Ross Taylor, and Ernst Zundel.